Today’s Word Is PROPER

It’s Humor Day!

At the conclusion of the sermon, the worshipers filed out of the sanctuary to greet the minister. As one of them left, he shook the minister’s hand, thanked him for the sermon and said, “Thanks for the message, Reverend. You know, you must be smarter than Einstein.” Beaming with pride, the minister said, “Why, thank you, brother!”

As the week went by, the minister began to think about the man’s compliment. The more he thought, the more he became baffled as to why anyone would deem him smarter than Einstein. So, he decided to ask the man the following Sunday.

The next Sunday he asked the parishioner if he remembered the previous Sunday’s comment about the sermon. The parishioner replied that he did. The minister asked: “Exactly what did you mean that I must be smarter than Einstein?”

The man replied, “Well, Reverend, they say that Einstein was so smart that only ten people in the entire world could understand him, but I’m pretty sure that for you, it would be less than that.”

Hmmmm … I hope that doesn’t apply to me! Although, I have wondered at times if what I was saying made sense!

And now for the verse of the day …

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9)

In the world of gardening, there is a certain predictability to planting a certain type of seed and knowing how long it will take to break the ground and become fruitful.

In the kingdom, seeds are being planted as well. We invest in the lives of people by “doing good.” These words and acts of kindness are like planting seeds of faith, hope, love, and joy into the lives of people. The reason we don’t want to give up on someone is because it is not predictable how long it will take the seed to sprout and grow. Everyone has a timetable that only God knows.

After planting some seed corn, there is a “proper time” for a green blade of the soon-to-be cornstalk to break the surface of the ground. Depending on the outdoor temperature, it could take anywhere from 5-14 days. If it has been two months since you planted it … well … it’s not going to happen.

In the natural world, we can know the “proper time.” In the spiritual world, God knows.

So … as for the people we invest in by planting seeds, we cannot give up, because only God knows why it is taking longer than we had hoped. A friend of mine tells the story of his 88-year old father coming to the Lord after decades of prayer by various family members. Now he is thankful he continued to pray and wait, never giving up.

Of course, we should not assume that this verse is only about salvation issues. It is about many, many things. It is about the next breakthrough in the life of a family member … or the success of the ministry you are involved in at your church … or the accomplishment of a vision that God has laid on your life … or the lifting of a burden that is causing great sacrifice and hardship. Do not let yourself become weary. There is a “proper time” in which the Lord does all things.

And so, it is that a “proper time” has arrived for me. The adventure of writing daily devotions has been a fulfilling journey for me. I thought I would be doing this for years to come, or at least that was my plan. But the Lord has something new in mind for me, though I am not fully aware of what it is.

I pray that something I have shared of the Gospel and of myself has touched your life and moved you forward in your faith … or perhaps even helped to launch your journey of faith in Christ. I thank you for your comments and encouragement.

“The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face to shine upon you,
And be gracious unto you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)


Chaplain Mark

Today’s Word Is CONTEND


If you are angry or upset with God or disappointed in him, perhaps you should go ahead and say so directly to him. He already knows, but still wants you to say it. He can deal with it and still love you. Nothing you or I can say is going to knock God off His throne or cause him to forsake or abandon us.

In a movie entitled The Apostle, Robert Duvall stars as a charismatic Pentecostal preacher named Euliss F. “Sonny” Dewey. Sonny has some quite interesting prayer time discussions with the Lord. One evening company dropped by to visit his home, where he lived with his mother. Sonny could be heard upstairs carrying on with a raised voice, and so the guest asked his mother what this was all about. “That’s my son, that is,” Momma says. “I’ll tell ya: ever since he was an itty-bitty boy, sometimes he talks to the Lord and sometimes he yells at the Lord. Tonight, he just happens to be yellin’ at him.”

Eventually, if we contend with God long enough, we will have to face the fact that his nature is not going to change. And neither is he likely to change His approach when we are caught making “demands” rather than “requests.” You might point out that Jacob wrestled with an angel and “demanded” a blessing, which he did receive. But also remember that he walked with a hip out of joint and a limp from then on. When we contend with God, the condition of our heart is revealed. Some of us who think we are reenacting Jacob’s wrestling match and demanding a blessing may actually just be having a temper tantrum. There is a difference … one God-centered … the other self-centered.

As we contend with God, He will love us and love us some more and love us even more, even though we are dissatisfied with the unfair things that happen to us. We do the same thing with our children, don’t we? Sometimes, when there is a great disappointment or hurt, the only thing we can do is hold the child until they are comforted by our arms of love and their heart connects to ours.

And so it is with God when he comforts us. But what shall we expect if we proceed with a lengthy temper tantrum (sometimes measured in years) in which we are trying to outlast God and force Him to act like we want Him to? He is fully capable of outlasting us every time, until we come to Him humbly and say, “I need You.” His desire to grow us up through difficulties into full maturity works in tandem with his desire to comfort us, and both have their place.

It is interesting how a child who finally gives in and lets themselves be comforted by us, can so quickly “feel better” and jump up to the next activity. And so with us, once past our stubbornness, it is sometimes amazing how quickly we see the way forward and He works things out for us … his way.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 28:11-13)


Chaplain Mark

Today’s Word Is UNSHAKEN


I hate putting my time or money into something that ends up not being worth it. A couple of years ago my wife and I were doing some painting inside the house. We ordered this great sounding device that was supposed to make trimming a cinch. Well … upon arrival of the product, we discovered that the quality of the gadget was significantly lower than the quality of the idea. In short, it was not worth using.

Suffice it to say that whatever we invest our time and money in does not always turn out to be worth it. Teaching the lesson of unreasonable expectations to the children in the family takes patience. When my sweet mother-in-law was raising my wife and her two siblings and one of them made a request for something that was “not gonna happen” … she would chuckle and say to them, “Yea, and people in jail want out!”

There is no guarantee you will get what you want. There is always a risk that some things you purchase are a waste of money. And sometimes the places you want to go or the things you want to do are not going to work out.

There is, however, something of a spiritual nature that has a trustworthy guarantee.

Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; … (Hebrews 12:28)

This “kingdom that cannot be shaken” is worth trading everything we are and all we have in order to live in it. In a world in which many people get upset at the things that don’t work like they’re supposed to, the only thing I know of that comes through 100% of the time is the grace of God poured out on us in this “kingdom that cannot be shaken.”

In all my years of adulthood, I can’t think of a single person who ever came back to me and said they were disappointed in the life of faith offered to them through Jesus Christ. This is based on those who were “all in” for the kingdom.

For those who were just trying to “fit God into their schedule,” it seemed to me that they didn’t want to be “in” this kingdom, but just visit occasionally. In that case, God is not really your king. Those folks were frequently disappointed.

I am thankful that there is a “kingdom that cannot be shaken” offered by grace to all of us, in which the warranty never runs out. I’m all in for that! And good news … living in this unshaken kingdom also means that when the events of this life try to rock my world, I can remain personally unshaken because of the unshakable foundation of this kingdom in which I dwell.

If you or someone you know is holding out looking for a sure thing to commit to, hold back no longer. And when you take the leap, you will discover that this is not just an idea, it is a Person, the Creator himself, drawing you into a deep, loving relationship that far exceeds expectations … it will produce a sense of “reverence and awe” within you.

King David was all in, saying, “I lift up my eyes to the hills— from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved …” (Psalm 121:1-3a)

This seems strange to say, but I have been shaken up a few times in my life, and yet remained unshaken, because God absorbed the shaking.


Chaplain Mark

Today’s Word Is UNLIKELY


There are times you are going to be called on to accomplish something that you don’t think you’re suited for. God doesn’t use our normal criteria to pick someone for a job. You or I would choose someone with talent in the desired area and available time to commit to the project. We might also go for someone with high self-esteem who is well respected, someone who would answer “yes” with great confidence.

Not God … He has a flair for performing the impossible with the unlikely! In the Book of Judges, the land of Israel is being harassed by the Midianites. The Israelites could be overrun and destroyed if something didn’t turn around and soon. I’ve been there a few times, things are falling apart, and I feel hopeless. How about you?

But God had a plan and sent an angel to tell Gideon he had been chosen to pull off the necessary turnaround. Of course, to Gideon this didn’t seem like divine orders, it seemed like nonsense. He thought this angel was a strange traveler who didn’t know what he was talking about. So, his response was two-fold … “I don’t know what makes you think God cares about us; he has abandoned us!” … and then … “Even if this could happen, you’ve got the wrong guy! I am not a leader or a warrior.” Judges 6:15… “Pardon me, my lord,” Gideon replied, “but how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.”

So here is the take-away for today. God uses willing people, regardless of their strengths or weaknesses, their high or low station, or their level of confidence to accomplish the following purposes:

First, he comes to resolve a serious need and accomplish a kingdom purpose, especially if it seems impossible to us. He wants to achieve the victory, and to create joy, thanks, and celebration.

Second, he wants to do it in a way that creates faith in you and others. Sometimes that means using the seemingly least qualified candidate, otherwise we would all praise that person for the success. God wants us to know that we can’t do it without his divine help. That way the praise goes to God, not any of us.

Finally, God wants to demonstrate that he can use you to do amazing things with his help. This requires humility plus faith plus courage.

If God is tapping you on the shoulder about something that he wants to accomplish, listen up. It might be simple … help one person in your world (at home, at work, wherever) to experience a turnaround that they desperately need. Or perhaps he sets your sights on something much bigger and intimidating. If you list all the “worldly” reasons you’re the wrong person for the job, you could miss a chance to bless one person or many.

If you think you’re the least qualified, the least likely candidate … well, there you go … it wouldn’t be the first time God took that approach! You could draw out the argument for days and days, like Gideon did, or you could go for it!


Chaplain Mark

Today’s Word Is SERENITY

It’s Humor Day!

I hope you have heard of the “Serenity Prayer,” which is something worth posting on your mirror, bulletin board, or refrigerator.

First, I will give you a humorous remake called the “Senility Prayer” (author unknown), which applies to the aging process and how to deal with people whom you like or do not like. This is helpful for people of my age … ha-ha-ha …

God grant me the senility
to forget the people I never liked anyway,
the good fortune to run into the ones I do,
and the eyesight to tell the difference.

The original “Serenity Prayer” was written by Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971), an American Reformed theologian, author of books on ethics and other topics, commentator on politics and public affairs, and professor at Union Theological Seminary for more than 30 years. Many groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, use the shortened version of his “Serenity Prayer,” (the first four lines) as a theme or tool of encouragement.  The full version goes like this …


God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
forever in the next.

Have a blessed weekend, including rest, family, and worship,

Chaplain Mark

Today’s Word Is BURDENS


“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” – Jesus (Matthew 11:28)

Another version says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened…”

The heaviest burden many people carry is the load of expectations placed on them by others. Trying to live up to an image of who others think we should be can become a weight too great to sustain.

One of the reasons people flocked to hear Jesus was because he talked more about a God who cared, than one whose heavy hand wanted to control them and punish them for not being good enough or for breaking too many rules. I wonder if a single rabbi (teacher) had ever in their lives invited them to come follow so they could rest!

But Jesus was doing just that, which essentially was an invitation to live a life of trust in the goodness of God. Those who felt hopeless, oppressed, and tired of trying and failing were intrigued by these words … “Come to me, and I will give you rest.”

Now, this was not an invitation to stop trying, nor to escape responsibility, but to receive an internal shift from dependence on the approval of others to dependence on the grace of God. Worldly living says, “I will love you if” … and then there comes the expectation.

Kingdom living (God’s Kingdom, that is), says that you are loved by your Creator and your Savior for who you are, not for what you accomplish. The first step of Kingdom living is to get rid of the baggage, the load of expectations, the fear that you might not prove to be worthy, … and in exchange receive the following reality … You are accepted because God made you and loved unconditionally because that’s who God is and what he does.

After that, there are lots of things we do to accomplish Kingdom purposes, but they are not done to prove we are acceptable, they are done out of thanks that we were “declared” to be acceptable as God’s primary gift. (We call this salvation or conversion.) We are no longer laboring and heavy laden under a load of disapproval, but rather there is rest from it.

Welcome to the Jesus life. Now, I need to complete the picture. In the beginning, I only gave you one of three verses to describe the Jesus invitation. Here’s the “rest of the story”:

Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

You may notice that after Jesus offered rest, he told us to take his yoke upon us, which is the equipment placed on the shoulders of oxen and other work animals, for the purpose of carrying or pulling loads. How about that! … Invited to rest and put to work! But that’s it! Rest, work, rest, work. Not work, work, work, work.

In the Pharisees’ world, the “working” at proving ourselves to be religious and obedient was primary. In Jesus’ world, the “resting” is primary. The Sabbath is the holy day when God rested. For God, six days was “enough” to complete creation. Get it? This faith we practice has works of righteousness involved, but not to prove our worth and not to the extent that they become a burden we can’t carry. The most important day of the week is Sabbath, meaning the most important aspect of the Kingdom life is rest.

Is this making sense? Jesus invited us to turn around, to stop thinking of religious performance as the basis of life, but rather to let rest and assurance be the focus of life, with an attitude towards works of faith that sees it as a joy, not a burden, and certainly not the way to prove anything to God.

The result is rest for our souls, because the yoke (workload) is easy, and it burdens us only lightly, because it was given to us by a Savior who is both gentle and humble.


Chaplain Mark

By the way … this has been my favorite passage of Scripture for 40+ years. When I was a young pastor, I had read this passage many times, but the first time I used it as a sermon text, I began preparing and spontaneously became overwhelmed with tears at Jesus’ invitation to come to him and get rid of my burdens in exchange for his rest and a yoke that was much easier than the burdens I had been carrying for such a long time.

I say this because when we are first saved, we understand our salvation as we experienced it at that point. But later on, more revelations of the nature and glory of this new life in Christ will touch us in deeper and richer ways. This passage became my best symbolism for the illustration of salvation … to give him what I have, and in return get what he has. That’s the best bargain anyone in the world will ever get!

Today’s Word Is TRANSMIT


Besides physical sickness, there are many things in life that get transmitted, some exceptionally good things and some very harmful things. Love, hope, and joy are contagious, but so are anger, discontent, and bitterness.

There is a Bible passage that talks about the transmission of spiritual and emotional healing.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” (2nd Corinthians 1:3-4)

In other words, as God comforts us, we are inspired to comfort others. This word “comfort” has a deeper meaning than just getting a pat on the back or a hug to make you feel better. The “comfort” spoken of here is deep, more like a profound, life-changing healing.

Simply put, “Healed people heal people.” As we find and receive healing from God, we become agents of healing in the lives of others.

But there is a reverse principle implied in this verse that is also true. “Hurt people hurt people.” The past hurts that some people have endured get passed on or transmitted to others. The person who feels hurt, often reacts and compensates by hurting others.

Here are two ways to apply these principles.

First, get yourself healed up. Address your hurts and find peace. Dig deeper into the Word. And there are many churches, ministries, grace-filled Christians, and inspiring books to help you. God’s healing comfort is deep and effective. Most of the time, the “just forget about it” approach doesn’t work. In the medical world, wounds that are not painfully cleaned out and treated with inconvenient shots, stitches, and bandages, will not heal, they will get “infected.” Emotional wounds can also get “infected” if not painstakingly treated.

Second, understand and forgive others who display hurtful behavior toward you or others. It may be that they are not simply “mean” people, but far more likely that they have been hurt in the past in such a way that they don’t realize how they are hurting others or how to stop it. They need someone who has been healed (like you, for instance) to help them get healed.

Be well!

Chaplain Mark

Today’s Word Is SURE-FOOTED


The Lord God is my strength, And He has made my feet like hinds’ feet, And makes me walk on my high places. (Habakkuk 3:19)

The concept of “hinds’ feet in high places” was impressed upon me many years ago by a profoundly wise and kind pastor named Rev. Harper Sasser. He loved the idea of being sure-footed when negotiating the difficult times of life. He could minister to those who were distressed and help them to calm down simply by his presence and encouragement. He was a living example of what it looked like to be sure-footed, and he could help you to understand and believe that you could do the same!

A hind is a female deer that can place her back feet exactly where her front feet stepped while bounding along at a quick pace. Her feet landed not one inch off of the best place to step next! She can run with abandonment in rocky terrain that makes us humans nervous just to watch it! In times of danger, she can move quickly to avoid danger and not get “off track,” while scaling unusually difficult rock formations to elude predators or to reach feeding areas that looked impossible to access.

I have watched enough National Geographic shows to have seen Rocky Mountain settings where these sure-footed animals run and jump around on rocky cliffs. It makes me nervous, thinking they could slip and fall 1,000 feet. But they maneuver perfectly every time.

The message of Habakkuk the prophet was written at the time of the Israelites’ captivity by Babylon. What could be worse? These were frightful times. There was a sense of hopelessness. But Habakkuk told God’s people that even in such a calamity, they must trust God above all else. He was going to keep them on their feet, helping them to endure and to overcome. Sounds a bit like some of the troubles we are facing today.

Have you developed a depth of faith that enables you to cope with difficulty better than many of the secular folks around you? I have been asked on occasion how I made it through a particularly troubling situation. The answer … God has given us “hinds’ feet.” He has taught us and blessed us enough that when we are negotiating those rocky cliffs of tribulation in life, we are able to maneuver without fear. By the amazing grace of God, we seem to land on our feet in situations where others might fall apart or fall down.

Are you experiencing any trials or tribulations? Is the enemy trying to run you down, hoping you will slip and fall? Use the sure-footed ability that God has given you and you will find yourself landing safely on the spots God has provided to preserve you.

What a gift and a blessing … to handle tricky times with the nimbleness of a deer on a dangerous mountainside. It is a matter of trust.


Chaplain Mark

Prayer for the Day

Almighty God, maker of all things, we honor you today and give thanks for life itself and for the amazing journey of faith you have given each of us. Thank you for family and friends, for daily guidance, and for your Word, which is “a lamp to our feet, and a light to our path” (Psalm 119:105). In the challenges of life, we are thankful for each step along the way that keeps us securely anchored in you. In Your Holy Name we pray, AMEN.

Today’s Word Is AGREE


I once had this conversation with a co-worker …

ME:        You’re very smart.

THEM:   No. Not really.

ME:        I’m smart. I made straight A’s mostly.

THEM:   Yeah, so did I.

ME:        Then you’re pretty smart.

THEM:   Well … hmmmm … Okay.

It’s okay to say you’re smart or talented in some way, or whatever your characteristics are, in an honest and humble way. It’s part of having a good, healthy, and accurate view of yourself. Many of us were taught not to compliment ourselves because it sounds like “bragging.” Often our solution is to belittle ourselves as a way of ensuring that we don’t think too highly of ourselves. It took me 40-plus years to stop this bad habit.

The Bible talks about how you should view yourself.

“For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you.” – The Apostle Paul (Romans 12:3)

A “sober judgment” means a correct evaluation. This means you should not think “too highly” nor “too lowly” of yourself. Now who do you think has the most “sober” or accurate evaluation and opinion of you? Well … It’s God, of course.

You should agree with God and his opinion of you. He knows your value, your potential, your strengths, your weaknesses. For some of us, it is a great discovery to learn that “God thinks of me more highly than I thought He did!” God is for us, not against us. (See Romans 8 below.) So, if someone has told you that God thinks poorly of you … that’s a lie. If you think you should deny your strengths as a way of being humble, consider that this is a form of false humility, and not at all biblical. Instead, affirm who you are and the gifts you have been given, and then delight in using them for God’s purposes.

In addition, don’t bemoan your weaknesses. Everyone has them. Accept them. Improve on them when you can. This is all part of agreeing with God about who you are and who you are to become. And if you can agree with God about the total you, there will be greater peace, and probably more smiles.

If you still are going to have a hard time with this God-centered view of yourself, then let me add this. Once you are saved, there is no condemnation against you. There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. (Romans 8:1) Only those who are denying God or refusing Christ should fear condemnation.

Once you are born again, there is no issue that will cause God to reject you. You are his adopted child, an heir to the Kingdom. Every objection you have to your new position of worth in Christ, every struggle to accept your high value in his eyes can be answered by this … God our Father loves you, Jesus loves you, Holy Spirit loves you. You are loved, loved, loved. However much you think God loves you, it is more than that! Receive it. Return it. Stop any practice of self-condemnation and reject any tendency to expect punishment. God may discipline, but he does not punish those who are his. Smile and relax when you consider the amazing and wonderful love God has for you.

Agreeing with God about who you are is a good thing. Thinking that God is against you is not. No one can take your God-given value away from you. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31) Please don’t take as long as I did to internalize that and live with joy and freedom. If you truly do this, it will not create arrogance but humility and peace.

Have a blessed day,

Chaplain Mark

Today’s Word Is BROKENNESS


“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.” – King David (Psalm 51:17)

The first place to start is this … everybody needs fixing. I need fixing. You need fixing. The list of perfect people is not very long, there has only been one name on that list … ever.

The second thing is this … you can’t get fixed until you admit you are broken. This is a problem. Who wants to admit they need help? But we are like a broken watch in need of the watchmaker.

King David wrote some very wonderful poems. He was a wise man. He was a warrior and conqueror extraordinaire. But, he had a thirst for power and a lust for women. (You can read that story in 2nd Samuel Chapter 11.) His attraction to Bathsheba led to adultery, followed by a plan to get rid of her husband so that no one would find out.

The prophet Nathan cornered David into a discussion and confession. David was brash and gutsy, but he knew from history that if you are guilty, you don’t challenge God or one of his prophets. It will not end well.

So he hit his knees, and admitted his brokenness.

It is amazing and sad how many people will not do the simple thing of confessing their wrongdoing, admitting their brokenness, taking on a contrite attitude, and asking God to forgive and restore. By the way, when I say “they,” I really mean “me” first. People sometimes revere pastors and spiritual leaders, but we are not exempt.

I once saw a woman get a new start on life by forgiving her sister for something done 30 years before. (She was waiting for the apology that was never coming.) I have seen an adult daughter reconcile with her mother over something that happened as a teenager. I have seen two employees look at each other with a contrite heart, and both simultaneously say, “I’m sorry.”

Feeling broken may seem like a bad thing, but if it is acceptable and even desirable to God, then it really is a very good thing. Having worked as a hospital chaplain, I have seen many patients trying to be their own doctor, instead of listening to those who know how to heal. By the same token, I have also seen many people trying to be their own spiritual doctor instead of listening to God or the wise counsel of a spiritual leader.

It is human nature to take a different approach than humble confession. One way we do this is just to deny the problem. Another is to make excuses for why we think we were justified in our sin or failure. And yet another is to defiantly think we should just be let off the hook. Court cases end up like this sometimes … the accused pays a penalty without admitting wrongdoing. For David, this was not going to happen.

If we can’t admit our wrongdoing, we won’t get far in our faith journey. A song by Micah Stampley, called “Take My Life,” starts out … ”Holiness, Holiness is what I long for; Holiness is what I need.” A later verse adds, “Brokenness, Brokenness is what I long for. Brokenness is what I need.”

God mends broken people, but first comes admitting we are broken. A good posture for this is on our knees, hands out, eyes looking up to God. At this point, tears often come. And then begins the healing and restoration. Get used to this. It will come again and again as you get washed more and more. The 51st Psalm was written by David during the Bathsheba experience. Verse 2: Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. Verse 7: Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

Clean on the inside, that’s what God wants to do.

Broken and Blessed!

Chaplain Mark