Today’s Word Is TRANSMIT


Besides physical sickness, there are many things in life that get transmitted, some exceptionally good things and some very harmful things. Love, hope, and joy are contagious, but so are anger, discontent, and bitterness.

There is a Bible passage that talks about the transmission of spiritual and emotional healing.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” (2nd Corinthians 1:3-4)

In other words, as God comforts us, we are inspired to comfort others. This word “comfort” has a deeper meaning than just getting a pat on the back or a hug to make you feel better. The “comfort” spoken of here is deep, more like a profound, life-changing healing.

Simply put, “Healed people heal people.” As we find and receive healing from God, we become agents of healing in the lives of others.

But there is a reverse principle implied in this verse that is also true. “Hurt people hurt people.” The past hurts that some people have endured get passed on or transmitted to others. The person who feels hurt, often reacts and compensates by hurting others.

Here are two ways to apply these principles.

First, get yourself healed up. Address your hurts and find peace. Dig deeper into the Word. And there are many churches, ministries, grace-filled Christians, and inspiring books to help you. God’s healing comfort is deep and effective. Most of the time, the “just forget about it” approach doesn’t work. In the medical world, wounds that are not painfully cleaned out and treated with inconvenient shots, stitches, and bandages, will not heal, they will get “infected.” Emotional wounds can also get “infected” if not painstakingly treated.

Second, understand and forgive others who display hurtful behavior toward you or others. It may be that they are not simply “mean” people, but far more likely that they have been hurt in the past in such a way that they don’t realize how they are hurting others or how to stop it. They need someone who has been healed (like you, for instance) to help them get healed.

Be well!

Chaplain Mark

Today’s Word Is DELIGHT


For the Lord takes delight in his people; He crowns the humble with victory. (Psalm 149:4)

The radio talk show host of many years ago, Steve Brown, used to say, “God’s not mad at you, he’s really not!” But, oh, how many people think that he is! Instead of running toward God for life, peace, and victory, they run from God thinking they should avoid some inevitable punishment or escape from a life of God-imposed boredom and deprivation.

God is the perfect father. God is love. Ask yourself what a perfect father who is perfectly loving would do about you. If your answer is punishment, then you have not heard the true message of the Bible. Or maybe your ears have heard the true message, but your mind blocked it out, and preferred a self-condemning message that you learned from the negative experiences and the poor preaching you have heard in the past.

God is delighted for you to come to him, to rely on him, to be loved by him and to love him in return.

You come to him in humility … but … sometimes … you might be trying to be humble, but it is really self-condemnation. The difference? True humility leads to victory not condemnation. And this victory is not achieved, it is gifted to you, placed on you as if wearing a crown. It is God’s declaration of your worth to him. It doesn’t matter what you think you’re worth. It matters what God thinks you’re worth. It matters that God thinks you are worth dying for, worth blessing, worth crowning you with victory.

Are you a child of God, one of his people, have you been reborn through his Spirit? Well … God takes delight in his people … and thus in you! Do you begin your devotional time with self-condemnation, or does it occur to you that God your Perfect Father is delighted that you have sat down to talk, to share, to unload, to seek help and wisdom? I am not suggesting you skip the confessional part of your God time. But I am saying that as you confess, your words fall on the ears of the Holy One who understands and forgives … the God of second chances.

As you relate to the Father, your joy grows. Now you can do the victory dance!!

“Let them praise his name with dancing, and make music to him with timbrel and harp.” (Psalm 149:3)

Have a blessed day!

Chaplain Mark

The BEMA Podcast is a great Bible Study tool from a Messianic Jewish perspective. I highly recommend it. It is a long-term study which will increase your understanding of the Scriptures in a new and deeper way.