Today’s Word Is SURE-FOOTED


The Lord God is my strength, And He has made my feet like hinds’ feet, And makes me walk on my high places. (Habakkuk 3:19)

The concept of “hinds’ feet in high places” was impressed upon me many years ago by a profoundly wise and kind pastor named Rev. Harper Sasser. He loved the idea of being sure-footed when negotiating the difficult times of life. He could minister to those who were distressed and help them to calm down simply by his presence and encouragement. He was a living example of what it looked like to be sure-footed, and he could help you to understand and believe that you could do the same!

A hind is a female deer that can place her back feet exactly where her front feet stepped while bounding along at a quick pace. Her feet landed not one inch off of the best place to step next! She can run with abandonment in rocky terrain that makes us humans nervous just to watch it! In times of danger, she can move quickly to avoid danger and not get “off track,” while scaling unusually difficult rock formations to elude predators or to reach feeding areas that looked impossible to access.

I have watched enough National Geographic shows to have seen Rocky Mountain settings where these sure-footed animals run and jump around on rocky cliffs. It makes me nervous, thinking they could slip and fall 1,000 feet. But they maneuver perfectly every time.

The message of Habakkuk the prophet was written at the time of the Israelites’ captivity by Babylon. What could be worse? These were frightful times. There was a sense of hopelessness. But Habakkuk told God’s people that even in such a calamity, they must trust God above all else. He was going to keep them on their feet, helping them to endure and to overcome. Sounds a bit like some of the troubles we are facing today.

Have you developed a depth of faith that enables you to cope with difficulty better than many of the secular folks around you? I have been asked on occasion how I made it through a particularly troubling situation. The answer … God has given us “hinds’ feet.” He has taught us and blessed us enough that when we are negotiating those rocky cliffs of tribulation in life, we are able to maneuver without fear. By the amazing grace of God, we seem to land on our feet in situations where others might fall apart or fall down.

Are you experiencing any trials or tribulations? Is the enemy trying to run you down, hoping you will slip and fall? Use the sure-footed ability that God has given you and you will find yourself landing safely on the spots God has provided to preserve you.

What a gift and a blessing … to handle tricky times with the nimbleness of a deer on a dangerous mountainside. It is a matter of trust.


Chaplain Mark

Prayer for the Day

Almighty God, maker of all things, we honor you today and give thanks for life itself and for the amazing journey of faith you have given each of us. Thank you for family and friends, for daily guidance, and for your Word, which is “a lamp to our feet, and a light to our path” (Psalm 119:105). In the challenges of life, we are thankful for each step along the way that keeps us securely anchored in you. In Your Holy Name we pray, AMEN.