Today’s Word Is UNSHAKEN


I hate putting my time or money into something that ends up not being worth it. A couple of years ago my wife and I were doing some painting inside the house. We ordered this great sounding device that was supposed to make trimming a cinch. Well … upon arrival of the product, we discovered that the quality of the gadget was significantly lower than the quality of the idea. In short, it was not worth using.

Suffice it to say that whatever we invest our time and money in does not always turn out to be worth it. Teaching the lesson of unreasonable expectations to the children in the family takes patience. When my sweet mother-in-law was raising my wife and her two siblings and one of them made a request for something that was “not gonna happen” … she would chuckle and say to them, “Yea, and people in jail want out!”

There is no guarantee you will get what you want. There is always a risk that some things you purchase are a waste of money. And sometimes the places you want to go or the things you want to do are not going to work out.

There is, however, something of a spiritual nature that has a trustworthy guarantee.

Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; … (Hebrews 12:28)

This “kingdom that cannot be shaken” is worth trading everything we are and all we have in order to live in it. In a world in which many people get upset at the things that don’t work like they’re supposed to, the only thing I know of that comes through 100% of the time is the grace of God poured out on us in this “kingdom that cannot be shaken.”

In all my years of adulthood, I can’t think of a single person who ever came back to me and said they were disappointed in the life of faith offered to them through Jesus Christ. This is based on those who were “all in” for the kingdom.

For those who were just trying to “fit God into their schedule,” it seemed to me that they didn’t want to be “in” this kingdom, but just visit occasionally. In that case, God is not really your king. Those folks were frequently disappointed.

I am thankful that there is a “kingdom that cannot be shaken” offered by grace to all of us, in which the warranty never runs out. I’m all in for that! And good news … living in this unshaken kingdom also means that when the events of this life try to rock my world, I can remain personally unshaken because of the unshakable foundation of this kingdom in which I dwell.

If you or someone you know is holding out looking for a sure thing to commit to, hold back no longer. And when you take the leap, you will discover that this is not just an idea, it is a Person, the Creator himself, drawing you into a deep, loving relationship that far exceeds expectations … it will produce a sense of “reverence and awe” within you.

King David was all in, saying, “I lift up my eyes to the hills— from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved …” (Psalm 121:1-3a)

This seems strange to say, but I have been shaken up a few times in my life, and yet remained unshaken, because God absorbed the shaking.


Chaplain Mark

Today’s Word Is PRESENCE


I have a memory from age four of being leery of a tiger under my bed. Starting at the door of my bedroom, I would run and leap into bed. In coping with this, there were times that I wanted one of my parents to stay with me until I went to sleep. When I awoke, it was a relief that nothing “got me” during the night! As an adult all this seems so silly, but at the time it was real.

There are adult versions of this feeling in which strange emotions stir within us of feeling alone and helpless in a time of stress, fear, or loss. These feelings are not invited in. They just rise up from within us, and at first, we feel helpless and even empty. For instance, one of my sisters died in a car wreck when she was 17. I was 23 and away attending seminary. This shook me up. I felt helpless and empty. It was as if some part of me died with her.  Have you ever felt like that?

Seven years later, I again got shaken up emotionally by going through the pain of divorce. It rocked my world. For months I would feel queasy in my stomach just from the emotions of loss. At first it was daily, then occasionally, but still there. It lasted so long that I wondered if it would be permanent. I wanted desperately to know how to overcome it. Thanks be to God, there is a way, and this is my testimony.

Through these and other difficulties, my faith became to mean everything to me. I learned that it was only through faith and God’s grace that I could make it. This happened because thankfully I believed what I had heard and read that this is how you heal. God has helped me put my roots down into him, as I grew upward toward my dreams and destiny. I can’t identify the exact moment I became “thoroughly” secure in his love, but it would be sometime near age fifty … finally!

No longer do I have to wonder if there is something under the bed … LOL … which in adult language means I believe that nothing can overpower or overwhelm me, because there is no longer any doubt or lack of the inner experience of God’s presence. No more wondering if something could go wrong or separate me from his love.

Today’s verse says, “And when I wake up, you are still with me.” (Psalm 139:18) I hope you make this transition in life. We must move on from experiencing God’s presence in the moment, but all the time wondering if there might come a moment when we are alone. It is like being just unsure enough that we get surprised each time and say, “I was hoping God would always be with me, and thank goodness, again today, it still feels like he is. I sure hope I feel like this again tomorrow morning.”

There is a profound sense of deeper peace in which I know God is with me, and I know I will never be alone. It is a sense of warmth in the heart that never leaves. It is great to know God’s constant presence, to know that whether I am awake or asleep he is with me.

I don’t have to wait until tomorrow morning to know that “when I awake, God is still with me.” I already know it will be true for every single morning for the rest of my life, he will still be there. This is God’s gift to you and to me … not just his presence with us right now, but also the assurance of his future presence.


Chaplain Mark

Another verse:

“For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38-39)

Today’s Word Is BROKENNESS


“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.” – King David (Psalm 51:17)

The first place to start is this … everybody needs fixing. I need fixing. You need fixing. The list of perfect people is not very long, there has only been one name on that list … ever.

The second thing is this … you can’t get fixed until you admit you are broken. This is a problem. Who wants to admit they need help? But we are like a broken watch in need of the watchmaker.

King David wrote some very wonderful poems. He was a wise man. He was a warrior and conqueror extraordinaire. But, he had a thirst for power and a lust for women. (You can read that story in 2nd Samuel Chapter 11.) His attraction to Bathsheba led to adultery, followed by a plan to get rid of her husband so that no one would find out.

The prophet Nathan cornered David into a discussion and confession. David was brash and gutsy, but he knew from history that if you are guilty, you don’t challenge God or one of his prophets. It will not end well.

So he hit his knees, and admitted his brokenness.

It is amazing and sad how many people will not do the simple thing of confessing their wrongdoing, admitting their brokenness, taking on a contrite attitude, and asking God to forgive and restore. By the way, when I say “they,” I really mean “me” first. People sometimes revere pastors and spiritual leaders, but we are not exempt.

I once saw a woman get a new start on life by forgiving her sister for something done 30 years before. (She was waiting for the apology that was never coming.) I have seen an adult daughter reconcile with her mother over something that happened as a teenager. I have seen two employees look at each other with a contrite heart, and both simultaneously say, “I’m sorry.”

Feeling broken may seem like a bad thing, but if it is acceptable and even desirable to God, then it really is a very good thing. Having worked as a hospital chaplain, I have seen many patients trying to be their own doctor, instead of listening to those who know how to heal. By the same token, I have also seen many people trying to be their own spiritual doctor instead of listening to God or the wise counsel of a spiritual leader.

It is human nature to take a different approach than humble confession. One way we do this is just to deny the problem. Another is to make excuses for why we think we were justified in our sin or failure. And yet another is to defiantly think we should just be let off the hook. Court cases end up like this sometimes … the accused pays a penalty without admitting wrongdoing. For David, this was not going to happen.

If we can’t admit our wrongdoing, we won’t get far in our faith journey. A song by Micah Stampley, called “Take My Life,” starts out … ”Holiness, Holiness is what I long for; Holiness is what I need.” A later verse adds, “Brokenness, Brokenness is what I long for. Brokenness is what I need.”

God mends broken people, but first comes admitting we are broken. A good posture for this is on our knees, hands out, eyes looking up to God. At this point, tears often come. And then begins the healing and restoration. Get used to this. It will come again and again as you get washed more and more. The 51st Psalm was written by David during the Bathsheba experience. Verse 2: Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. Verse 7: Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

Clean on the inside, that’s what God wants to do.

Broken and Blessed!

Chaplain Mark

Today’s Word Is ENTIRELY


Psalm 121

It is amazing how much of our talk time is about what is going wrong, rather than what is going right. And sometimes it is easier to talk about what God is NOT doing for us rather than what he IS doing. King David wrote many Psalms in which he expounded profusely on the problems and the lack of God’s attention. In other Psalms he would transition from complaints in the beginning to thanks in the end.

But … this Psalm is straightforward confidence in the Lord from top to bottom. When David looked into the distance at the mountains, with all their beauty, and also with the protection they provide against invaders, it made him immediately confident that God is ENTIRELY able to watch over us and protect us.

Some days … the problems seem to dominate the day entirely.

Other days … there may be problems, but thankfully we see our way through to a better attitude.

But hallelujah, there are those days … where confidence dominates from beginning to end, from rise-and-shine until the-day-is-done. What a blessing to declare and experience God’s entirely sufficient goodness for the entire day long!!

May God give you more of those days!


Chaplain Mark

The BEMA Podcast is a great Bible Study tool from a Messianic Jewish perspective. I highly recommend it. It is a long-term study which will increase your understanding of the Scriptures in a new and deeper way.

Today’s Word Is BECOME


Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm. (Proverbs 13:20)

It matters with whom we associate. We cannot avoid being around all kinds of people. Some will be likable and some not … cheerful or not … kind or not … problem solvers or not … complainers or not … and wise or not.

Contact and collaboration are necessary with all these people. But … we do not have to “walk with” everyone in the sense referred to by this Proverb. Everyone must choose their principles and beliefs, and in so doing you will discover whom you should walk in step with. And by observation, others should be able to figure out who you “walk with.” They are the ones with whom you share a common faith, the ones you admire and want to imitate. These are the ones who will back you up in a disagreement, because you know their heart and they know yours. Skin color, cultural background, education, social standing, and affluence have nothing to do with this.

If I could make a group photo of the people I have “walked with” in my life because I sought their wisdom … They are from cultures and colors all around the world … Some have been far older than me, some far younger … Some have lived in mansions, some have lived in a tent camp in the woods … Some count their money in the millions, while some have no bank account, just what is in their pocket … Some have doctorate degrees, some never went inside a school … Some are popular with others, some not … Some are widely known or famous, some count their friends on one hand. God will show you with whom you should walk in order to become wise.

As we relate to those whom we think of as wise, we are influenced by their character and behavior. We observe how they have a positive effect on the world around them. We ask them questions and learn their secrets of peace, motivation, boldness, and wisdom.

I hope you have a desire to become a wiser person. God loves us as we are … yes … but he loves us too much to leave us the way we are. It has been said that you can’t “go with God” and stay where you are. And an important aspect of becoming who God wants us to be is that of walking with wise people.

Do you know that there are lots of very smart people who are foolish? The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” (Psalm 14:1) Intelligence and foolishness can coexist within a person. There is a great difference between being smart and being wise. My admiration goes to those wise people whom God has placed in my life for the purpose of lifting me up and showing me the way.

Have you noticed that some folks are attracted to foolish people? They associate with them because it appears at times that they are carefree and unburdened. Whereas the wise person appears to be doing too much work, or getting redirected sometimes by inconvenient interruptions, or even being forced to make sacrifices that are not appealing. However, the wise person chooses these inconveniences for the greater good of others and for the high calling of character and integrity.

For you and me to become the best we are meant to be, it matters whom we admire and imitate. As for the one who is foolish, but appears on the outside to “have it made” … a window into their private moments might show us the “flip side” of their lifestyle, which includes hidden inner suffering, and whose behaviors create undesirable consequences. They get tied up in a pattern of repeatedly making botched attempts to reverse the results of their foolishness. These are the things they hide from us.

Spending time with foolish people can be a good thing. They may seek us out because they admire something about us. But again, there is a difference between spending time with someone and being their “companion.” Do you see that? If we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world (Matthew 5:13-14), then we must get close to and involved with people who need salt and light. Our companions, however, are those with whom we stand in lockstep in the faith, ready to change the world.

Have you ever suffered harm because you were the companion of fools? Hopefully, we have left that behind and moved on. If not, now would be a good time to resolve to walk with the wise, and in so doing become wise.


Chaplain Mark

Today’s Word Is STILL


He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” (Psalm 46:10)

That’s a tall order … be still. Have you ever tried to fix a child’s boo-boo by cleaning a wound and applying a bandage … all the while trying to keep them still and calm? “Be still,” we say. “It’s hard to help you if you can’t be still for a minute!”

Of course, adults have their own struggles with being still. Maybe it’s not about a bandage on a wound. It would be more like something has gone wrong and I need to fix it right now. Or some problem has come up, and my mind is going through all the consequences this is going to create. Oh no, what am I going to do now?

I am sure King David, who wrote this Psalm, had plenty of tragedies and problems enough to panic or worry about the destruction or terror that could result. He must have learned that one of God’s best responses to our troubles was to say, “Be still, and know that I am God.” It helps us to put things in perspective. Our spirit can declare within us, “Yes, you are God. You love me. I can trust you. I need not worry. Your promises are great and true.”

How great is God? Well, I am usually operating on the “me-level” while God is simultaneously operating on everything from the universe – earth – nation level, all the way down to my level and yours. I don’t always think about the big picture. God thinks about every picture, every angle … big and small. He is the Exalted One … at every level … trustworthy, good, faithful … our strength and shield.

When I was twelve years old, our family went to Connecticut because my dad had to visit a seminary student. Once we were in New York City, Dad took the car on his business, while my mom, myself, and two younger sisters finished the journey to her family in Connecticut by train.

My mom took good care of us and the trip worked out fine. But not having Dad around in a strange place was a little unsettling. Mom was our caregiver, managing daily life for us, while Dad was sort of like the stabilizer. We had been on many trips and vacations and were used to Dad always knowing directions, finding places to eat and to spend the night, and getting us to our destination, while Mom kept track of what we were doing and especially took care of the needs of the smallest ones.

So here we were with Mom in Grand Central Station, New York City. It was h-u-g-e!! We walked down corridors, climbed stairs, and stood in lines, all the while hanging onto Mom. We were surrounded by noise, movement, and confusion. There were moments I wished Dad were there to lead us through this strange place. Mom loved us, but Dad was the leader.

There is plenty going on around us right now … COVID virus, racial tensions, and political controversy. Surely, we know that there are people on this journey with us who love us, but in unsettling circumstances, we need stability within our spirits and guidance through the turmoil. It is an excellent time to “be still and know that God is God!” Will we make it through this strange time? Yes, if we let the God who is “exalted among the nations and in the earth” lead us through.

Pray for peace and be at peace. “Be still and know.”


Chaplain Mark

Today’s Word Is HIGHER


Image result for isa 55 8-9

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.” (Psalm 55:8-9)

The whole idea of electricity and how it works amazes me. The fact that water is going through turbines in a dam and causing a light bulb in my living room to glow is a wonder.

And how can an ant with a brain the size of a speck of dust, and whose home is 20 yards from my house, find a pinhead sized fragment of a candy bar located on the floor in the grandkids’ playroom inside my house made of thick walls, and then remember the way back to its mound?

The universe is amazing, and the Creator of the universe is not just amazing but is in fact the source of anything and everything that is amazing. I don’t have to know how electricity works to enjoy its benefits. And I don’t have to know how God works to enjoy him.

To an ant, I am beyond comprehension. And to me, God is beyond comprehension. The difference is that I can never communicate with an ant and explain who I am; whereas God has designed me in his likeness and chosen to reveal himself to me in a way that I can understand enough to know that he is good, loving, and trustworthy. Indeed, if I accept the invitation to relate to him, he renews my mind sufficiently to understand enough about him to receive his blessings.

If God has communicated through his Word that he knows me better than I know myself, and if he cares more for me than I care for myself, and if he has plenty enough ability and resources to supply my needs, and loves me and promises me to do so, then that is also more than I can fathom. But I choose to believe it and to receive it.

We cannot know all that God knows, but we can trust him and enjoy him. I have had plenty of ups and downs in life, but I must say that God has supplied my needs enough for me to cling to him above all else. But there is more depth of relationship beyond just “getting my needs met” in a physical sense.

Somewhere in our walk with God we should become so in love with the Lord, so bonded with him, so trusting, that getting our needs met is really secondary. The main thing is more about loving and being loved than about being comfortable. To be deeply in love with God who is deeply in love with us eventually makes comfort an irrelevant issue.

The amazing journey with God is higher than my thoughts. It happens through his ways which are higher than my ways. What an adventure! – To engage in something higher than I can understand! Hey … I’m all in for that! How about you?


Chaplain Mark

Today’s Word Is DESERTS


“Sing to God, sing praises to His name; Lift up a song for Him who rides through the deserts, Whose name is the LORD, and exult before Him. A father of the fatherless and a judge for the widows, Is God in His holy habitation.” (Psalm 68:4-5)

There is a saying that “God helps those who help themselves.” Of course, he does. He also helps those who don’t help themselves, those who can’t help themselves, those who do right, those who make mistakes, those who sin, and even those who think they don’t sin. The only reason I can think of that God wouldn’t help someone would be their defiant resistance – “Leave me alone, God!” – And even then, he would wait patiently for the opportunity.

One of God’s primary desires is to help those who cry out in need. We tend to get caught up in determining who does and doesn’t deserve help. But not so with God – he knows the whole story – we don’t. Do you remember the movie “Bruce Almighty”? When God gave Bruce the chance to “take the helm” and decide who to help, when to help, how to help – it was a disaster. No human can do that. I think Bruce discovered that God loves people, and that he helps because of this great love.

Yet, there are certain self-righteous folks who get so tired of people who keep messing up, that rather than help, they prefer to deliver a lecture. The phrase “God helps those who help themselves” is their way of saying, “I’ve had enough of you.” But it is not biblical to ascribe our impatience to God.

King David disobeyed God many times, doing foolish and selfish things. If you or I were the one he called on for help, he would probably get on our “last nerve.” But God doesn’t have a last nerve – his goodness, patience, love, and forgiveness are without limit.

The great love of God is revealed by the fact that he is a pursuing God. He is not just sitting there watching. He is on the move. He “rides through the deserts.” If you are stuck in a desert kind of place in life, God is in the desert with you. He wants you to trust him, hang onto him, receive rest from him. He wants you to know that he is good. Together with him, you will make it through the desert.

If your present situation makes you want to cry out for help, then be reminded that God is there – and he hears. The book of Deuteronomy repeatedly talks about helping “the strangers, the orphans, and the widows.” This is one of God’s great passions – those who cry out – those who have no help – those who get ignored or are told they are not worth helping.

The fatherless are those who feel like they do not belong to anyone, not only because they had no father growing up, but also because they have just failed to connect, to bond with someone, and they feel like an orphan. If that is you, then God will be your father, and validate your right to be who you are.

And the widows, in biblical days, were at a huge disadvantage. If there were no children to take up the slack, or extended family to “adopt” her, then she lived a meager life. There were laws that compelled the family of widows to take care of her. But it often took a judge to help her out, to make the family step up to the plate or to find someone who would provide for her. Still today, they are vulnerable in our world.

Let us “Sing to God, sing praises to His name.” Let us “exult before Him,” that he would “ride through deserts” for us.

And in his Name, may we help the strangers, the orphans, the widows, and all those who call upon God in their time of distress.


Chaplain Mark

Today’s Word Is AFRAID


The LORD is my light and my salvation — whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life — of whom shall I be afraid? (Psalm 27:1)

These are rhetorical questions … meaning you should know the answer without having to be told! Whom shall I fear? The obvious answer is no one. Of whom shall I be afraid? No one, of course.

Well, wait a minute … There is this phrase in the Scripture about the fear of the Lord. It means to respect and revere him. The old Bob Dylan song says … “It may be the devil, or it may be the Lord, but you gotta serve somebody.” The fear of the Lord means that he is the one you serve, and that you therefore have no fear of the devil. Fear of the Lord is a good thing.

In order for you to answer that you fear no one … you will have to be able to say that you fear, respect, submit to the Lord. If not, you’re on your own, and you definitely have a lot to fear in this life without God’s protection. In other words, fear God alone, or suffer with the fears of everything else. Charles Swindoll once said that as he got older, he came to be unafraid of anyone, their opinions, their criticism, and their attitude of superiority, all because of his fear of the Lord.

When God is your light, your salvation, your stronghold. … you won’t have to be afraid of anything or anyone. It is a life-changing transition to move from fear-based to faith-based living. Fear-based living creates a sense of being unprotected. There are constant thoughts about what might go wrong.

Fear is a sign of unbelief. Remember the disciples in the boat? And he said to them, “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?” (Matthew 8:26) Notice he did not say “no faith,” he said, “little faith.” Do not panic and think that having areas of little faith or of unbelief indicates you are not saved. Many Bible characters, and many people today, have degrees or moments of unbelief. It does not necessarily mean the opposite of salvation. It may just indicate an area of your life in which you need God’s help to cast out some darkness and let God’s light come in. The father of a boy possessed with demons asked Jesus for help. Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, “I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24) And Jesus immediately cast them out. I have said the same thing that father said a number of times in my life.

As for fear, if the Bible says, “Do not fear,” then fear is sometimes not just an emotion, but a choice we make, and we are told not to choose it. Fear freezes your growth. Fear robs you of blessings. Fear keeps you from blessing others. Fear invites the enemy to control areas of your life.

When these areas of fear are overcome, you will live with greater confidence. Your faith rises up to remind you that nothing can destroy you, no matter how bad it might seem. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? … No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. (Romans 8:35,37)

Faith-based living, “fear-less” living involves a trust in what the Apostle Paul said … “my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)

There are TV commercials and movie lines that talk about “no fear,” but they are more about striking back at an unfair world. This promotes an attitude of defiance, self-protection, and pride. When the Scripture says, “no fear,” it is about fully trusting and living at peace with God. That has a much different feel to it than boasting about “no fear.” You can experience that you are no longer afraid of what anyone or anything can do to you. We can again make that declaration today … or if you have never done so, declare it for the first time … I am not afraid; I will not live in fear.


Chaplain Mark

Today’s Word Is FINISHED

Good Friday

The foundation of our salvation is the combination of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection. There is not one without the other. It would be like asking, “Which is more important, breathing out or breathing in?” The Crucifixion is the breathing out – getting rid of the carbon dioxide, the poison, the sin. Breathing in is the Resurrection – filling with oxygen, new life, the Holy Spirit.

Today we focus on the Crucifixion. It was foretold in prophecy in numerous ways. Isaiah Chapter 53 is all about Jesus … (v.3) He was despised and rejected by men — (v.4) Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows — (v.5) But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities — (v.7) He was oppressed, and he was afflicted,  yet he opened not his mouth — (v.9) although he had done no violence, and there was no deceit in his mouth — (v.17) because he poured out his soul to death and was numbered with the transgressors; yet he bore the sin of many, and makes intercession for the transgressors.

King David said some prophetic things about Jesus in Psalm 22. And, among the seven “words” of Jesus from the cross, there is a quote from Psalm 22:1 … “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34)

In my early years, I had to struggle and come to terms with that verse. Many explanations that I heard did not make sense to me. Like this one … because Jesus took on our sin, God had to turn away from him because he couldn’t look at all that sin. Well, my thought is that God looks at sin all the time. He may not like the sin, but it is in his people, and he loves his people.

Another thought I have is that I thought Jesus’ death on the cross was part of the plan. So why would God have to look away from Jesus as he carried out the plan they made together?

If you read all of Psalm 22, you discover by the end that although David felt in his humanity that God had forsaken him, David finally affirms that God was there for him, and he was not really forsaken, but he did feel like it. This is what I think Jesus was experiencing. He knew the plan, that he would have to go to the cross. But while on that cross, he felt alone and helpless. It’s not that God was now rejecting him, it’s more like he was experiencing from a human standpoint what death and suffering felt like.

Besides his human emotion on the cross causing him to cry out to God about feeling forsaken, there is another angle to this. If you read all of Psalm 22, you will see that, just like Isaiah 53, it is a description of Jesus, with many details about the Crucifixion.

Psalm 22 (v.7-8) All who see me mock me; they make mouths at me; they wag their heads; “He trusts in the Lord; let him deliver him; let him rescue him, for he delights in him!” — (v.16) For dogs encompass me; a company of evildoers encircles me; they have pierced my hands and feet — (v.18) they divide my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots.

Now, the Pharisees and teachers standing at the cross should know about Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22, right? And here is Jesus, dying on the cross as described in that Psalm. So, Jesus quotes the first verse as his expression of pain and helplessness. The teachers and rabbis who take students to school them in Scripture do an interesting thing. They will quote the first verse of a Psalm, perhaps, and the student is supposed to know the rest of the Psalm. It’s almost like Jesus is inviting them to quote the rest of the Psalm and discover that they are crucifying the Messiah … that they are, in fact, fulfilling a prophecy!

There is one other of the seven words of Jesus that relates to Psalm 22 … When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. (John 19:30)

He was, in effect, quoting the meaning of the last verse of Psalm 22 (v.31) They shall come and proclaim his righteousness to a people yet unborn, that he has done it.”

Yes! Yes! Yes! He has done it! It is finished! To his last breath he was obedient!

This terrible, dark day of the Crucifixion is for you and me. And, since we are now 2,000 years removed and understand its meaning, it is in one sense both the worst day and the best day. We get tears and agonize over his suffering, while at the same time find ourselves filled with thanksgiving and praise. We know we are not worthy of such love, yet we love the Savior who did for us what we could not do for ourselves — paying the price for every sin we ever committed or ever will commit.

Glory to His Name!

Chaplain Mark

The Crucifixion and the Resurrection Work Together in Salvation

“For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures …” (1st Corinthians 15:3)

And then … “Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9)