Humor for the Week – Top 10 Church Signs


This week I have something a little different in the way of humor … Top 10 Church Signs. I hope you enjoy them.

Church Sign #10

Church Sign #9

Church Sign #8

Church Sign #7

Church Sign #6

Church Sign #5

Church Sign #4

Church Sign #3

Church Sign #2

Church Sign #1

Let me know if you liked these, I have enough more to make another 10.

Enjoy your weekend, including rest, family, and worship,

Chaplain Mark

Today’s Word Is HEARING

It’s Humor Day!

An elderly gentleman named Frank is having a regular checkup at Dr. Jones’ office.

At the end of the exam the doctor says, “Everything looks OK. Do you have any questions or other concerns?”

Frank replies, “Well, Doc, there is one other thing. My wife Beulah is hard of hearing and I’m having trouble talking her into going to get it checked. Any ideas how to convince her?”

Dr. Jones suggests, “Try this. When you get home and get in the door, say something to her while her back is turned. If she doesn’t hear you, get closer and try again. Keep doing this until you figure out how close you have to be before she can hear something. This should help her to realize that she has a problem.”

Frank gets home and Beulah is facing the kitchen sink doing dishes. So, Frank says, “What’s for supper, honey?” … No response …

Frank moves halfway to the kitchen and repeats, “What’s for supper, honey?” … Still no response …

So, Frank gets right behind her and rather firmly repeats, “What’s for supper, honey?”

Beulah wheels around, hands on her hips, gives him a glare, and says, “For the third time, chicken!!!”

Oops …

By the way, not all hearing is with the ears. Many times in the Scripture, the idea of hearing has to do with whether what was said not only got into someone’s ears, but went further … into the heart and mind. Jesus said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” (Matthew 11:15) Obviously he meant both to hear and to understand!

By the way, a similar phrase … “Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” … appears seven times in Revelation … once at the end of each of the letters to the seven churches. There are church folks who hear but don’t hear.

In the Parable of the Sower, Jesus calls a person “good soil” if they are able to hear the word, understand, and act. “But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.” (Luke 8:15)

Sometimes things that are said to us “go in one ear and out the other.” I am sure I have missed some of God’s whisperings because I didn’t pay enough attention to what he was trying to convey through something I heard or saw or read. It takes effort and concentration to hear these subtle inputs from the Lord. Thankfully, once we practice and understand how it works, we can develop a habit of hearing his voice better.

My elderly grandfather was kindly referred to by everyone as “hard of hearing.” You had to get right next to his ear and speak loudly and hope for the best.

I certainly would not want to be considered by others as “hard of hearing” in a spiritual sense. That’s something worth thinking about for a minute of your time. Am I hearing God well? Does he have to shout in my ear from up close? Am I tuned in to his voice so that I can hear him, even if it’s a whisper?


Chaplain Mark

Today’s Word Is HEAR


Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. (Revelation 3:20)

When this verse says, “If anyone hears,” I conclude that not everyone hears. It implies to me that even though a voice may be speaking, something about some people causes them not to hear that voice, at least under present conditions.

For the first time in our 37-year marriage, my wife and I have a home with a swimming pool. We like it. I am now the “pool guy,” and there is always something to do. Under certain conditions, sometimes the pool pump clicks off and must be restarted. The equipment is near the end of the house where our bedroom is, and while I am getting ready in the morning, I can tell by the presence or absence of a certain sound with a certain pitch whether the pool pump is running or not. My wife can’t hear it unless I hum the pitch and she really, really concentrates, and sometimes still can’t.

On the other hand, my wife has had the sense of hearing the faint cry of one of the kids during the night while I remained asleep. There are folks who can be at a crowded occasion in a large facility, and yet when a child falls and cries out from the other side of the room, the parent of that child knows the sound of that cry.

There is something in each of us capable of hearing the voice of God. We can be preoccupied by our world, our job, our activities, whatever … such that God’s voice doesn’t get our attention. But God is calling. He hasn’t left you out or given up on you because of your present season of stress and distraction. Stop and listen. You can hear him.

During my younger years, I heard others use this passage as an evangelism and conversion tool. And I adopted that approach as well. Jesus is knocking on the hearts of unbelievers because he wants to come in and save them, take up residence.

While that is true … that Jesus wants to come into the hearts of unbelievers, that is not who this message was originally written to. It was addressed to the Church at Laodicea. Yes, Jesus is knocking on the door of a church that has stopped listening to his voice. This is the church to whom Jesus said, “I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.” Revelation (3:15-17)

This is evidence that even though we might have been a believer for a long time, we still have spells when we are not really listening. In one sense, that is what this passage is about … the church … one full of believers who have stopped listening. Isn’t it interesting that his request was for “anyone” on the inside of that door to hear him and invite him in!! And while this is a call to the churches to become on fire again, it is also about any believer who has learned to ignore what God is saying.

I listened to a story on the radio today from a man who was sitting in a church leadership meeting when the Lord spoke to him about the extra-marital affair that he thought he was getting away with. And the voice said, “Today is the day to come clean. It is time to trade your story of infidelity for God’s story of faithfulness and forgiveness.” The next day he revealed the truth to his wife, and a new story began.

Now that’s pretty serious. And maybe your situation is, too. Or maybe your story is completely different. Maybe it’s about your church. Or perhaps you personally have wandered away from God. Listen for his voice today. God has “no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8:1) But he does want you to hear his voice. He wants to continually write and rewrite your story. He does not want you to be lukewarm. He wants you to be all in.

Wherever you are in life … stop and listen. Invite him in. Dine with him and be nourished. Be changed. Be new.


Chaplain Mark

Today’s Word Is TEAM


It is the opinion of many that John Wooden was the greatest men’s college basketball coach ever. At UCLA, he won 10 National Championships and had an 88 consecutive games winning streak. And many also feel that Pat Summitt, from the University of Tennessee was the greatest women’s college basketball coach ever. She had more wins (1,098) than any other women’s coach, and more than all but one (Mike Krzyzewski of Duke) of the men’s coaches. Her teams made it to the NCAA Tournament every year of her 38-year career.

And what do these two famous coaches stress? Teamwork.

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, you need a team.” – John Wooden, Men’s Basketball Coach, UCLA, 1948-1975
“Teamwork is what makes common people capable of uncommon results.” – Pat Summitt, Women’s Basketball Coach, Tennessee, 1974-2012

Perhaps one of the most important lessons of life is how to be a team member. Many talented people fail or accomplish only at a mediocre level, because they do not know how to work on a team. For those who wonder why things don’t progress, or dreams are not achieved, consider that getting a handle on the joy, blessings, and fulfillment of working together as a team might make all the difference.

You don’t have to be a star to be on a team. I would say that all those Tennessee and UCLA players on these two coaches’ teams were far prouder to have played on a team that accomplished great things and was coached by such a legendary coach than of any degree of their own talent. These two coaches didn’t just teach them about basketball, they taught them about life!

A team player is humble enough to let others be first. A team player knows that accomplishing something together produces a greater joy than doing something by ourselves. A team player knows that when it doesn’t matter who gets the credit, amazing things can happen. And a team player doesn’t go around saying “I” accomplished something … they say “we” did.

Two takeaways …

First … If teamwork is a difficult thing for you, renew your determination to be a team player. Take the humble approach of letting others know you like working together. God will lift you up through this process.

“For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” – Jesus (Luke 14:11)

Second … If you usually do well getting along with others and operating as a team, look around at those who might not. These are not mean people. They are often interested in being a part of the team, but don’t have your smooth skills at fitting in. And they are not going to force their way in. They might be waiting for a supporter or “sponsor” … someone who will invite them in, promote them to others, help them discover their contribution and enjoy teamwork. I remember younger times when certain persons used their influence to help others accept me into the group discussion by asking me to share my thoughts. This did a lot to help me discover my worth and contribution.

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. (Ecclesiastes 4:12)

Here’s a question – Are you thinking this isn’t really a “spiritual” topic today? After all, the Bible doesn’t specifically talk about God’s people practicing teamwork – or does it? It may not use the word team, but essentially this is what Paul was talking about when he described the Body of Christ. Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many. (1st Corinthians 12:12-14)

Our culture emphasizes individuality, but in the Christian community we do not as individuals choose whether we want to be part of the Body or not. We are already “one Body” by definition. The choice we make is “am I going to refuse to be what I am made for, an indispensable member of the Body of Christ.” And no single part of the Church is more important than another. But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. (1st Corinthians 12:24b-26)

It is our job to help every member to feel included, to fulfill their purpose, and to honor one another. We all need God’s help – but also, God’s team needs you, and you need God’s team. There is no greatest or least among us – we are one.

Go team!

Chaplain Mark

Today’s Word Is SHARED

It’s Humor Day!

First some pastoral humor …

A pastor visits an elderly woman from his congregation. As he sits on the couch, he notices a large bowl of peanuts on the coffee table. “Mind if I have a few?” he asks.

“No, not at all!” the woman replies.

They chat for an hour and as the preacher stands to leave, he realizes that instead of eating just a few peanuts, he emptied most of the bowl. “I’m terribly sorry for eating all your peanuts, I really just meant to eat a few.”

“Oh, that’s all right,” the woman says. “I can’t eat peanuts anyway. Ever since I lost my teeth all I can do is suck the chocolate off of them.”


And now for my word … SHARED …

The Apostle Paul said: Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. (Romans 12:15)

The word “shared” makes all the difference. It increases our joy and reduces our sorrow.

I spent too many years keeping my difficulties and sorrows to myself. There are others around us that don’t mind sharing our load a little bit. And there are certain friends and family who not only don’t mind being supportive – they really want to share our load, because they care.

Jesus said: Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. (Matthew 5: 4)

Do you resist letting others share in your sorrows? I’ve had church members in the past who didn’t want anyone to know when they went into the hospital or had difficult burdens, such as wayward children, lost jobs, or financial struggles. Something in our culture and in human nature resists telling others the difficulties we face. But God is not pleased in our secretiveness. If we desire for the love of God to come in and bless us, then we must change our approach – listen to others’ burdens that we may lighten their load – and share our burdens that others may lighten ours.

As for shared joys, I find it interesting that when people in church are asked to share their prayer concerns, joys, and sorrows, it is likely that there will be ten concerns shared, and then a silence. Everyone is having a hard time thinking of some good news to share – anything that would make us smile or shout for joy. I wish I had a catchy phrase to explain how to overcome this. I think our culture in general, and our churches in particular, have a hard time experiencing true joy.

The 23rd Chapter of Leviticus is entitled, “Feasts of the Lord.” And God says, “These are My feasts” – Sabbath, Passover, the Feast of Firstfruits, the Feast of Weeks, the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles – seven in all. The routines of the working world were set aside for many days, and celebration took place. There were serious days, yes, but then there was dancing, singing, storytelling, and thankfulness for the goodness of God.

 It is sad that the church over the centuries has lost much of the celebratory spirit of the faith. God wants us to know how to have a good party – where joy and laughter abound, where God is at the center while his people enjoy the life he has given.

Sharing our joys and sorrows as Christians means acknowledging that God is right there in the middle of it all – he is the giver of good gifts that bring joy, and he is our comfort in times of sorrow. Sharing it with one another multiplies the blessings and divides the sorrows.


Chaplain Mark

Today’s Word Is PROPOSAL

Holy Thursday

I proposed to my wife on Labor Day weekend 37 years ago on a spiritual life weekend held at my grandfather’s farm in Little Creek, Virginia, while hiking in the woods. You know how it goes in our culture … you find someone you like, date awhile, fall in love, make a proposal, and if the answer is yes, you get married.

Ancient Hebrew custom was a little different … actually, a lot different. Two large families that had sons or daughters that “needed to be getting married” would discuss an arrangement. This was not arbitrary, it was well thought out, but guided mostly by the parents of the two candidates. The young man and woman were quite pleased with this arrangement and the two families were all in on the excitement. When a mutual decision had been reached to proceed with a marriage, the first step was the official proposal. The groom-to-be would go to the home of the bride-to-be to propose, and it might be local, or it could be quite a journey.

Now, before I tell how he proposed, let me add another twist that is quite different from our culture. Families stuck together … big families  … extended families. When the next generation got married, they would add on a room to the “big house.” It may or may not be physically connected, but it was close by, next door, sort of like a community, with generations and cousins. In fact, for a young man to take his bride and leave both their homes and move far away would have relayed the message that they were rejecting their families and breaking ties. You see, under their conditions, they needed to all stick together to survive and build wealth.

I am writing all of this for what we call Holy Thursday (or Maundy Thursday), our remembrance of the Last Supper of Jesus and the disciples. Jesus taught them many things that night, which are described best in John chapters 13-17 (yes, 5 chapters of what went on during the Passover meal and their walk to the Garden of Gethsemane). We know, of course, that Jesus offered bread and wine to the disciples, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19) … And likewise, the cup after they had eaten, saying, “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.” (Luke 22:20)

Back to the groom-to-be proposing to the bride-to-be … but keeping in mind what happened at the Last Supper. The groom enters the home of his beloved and has a meeting with her and her father. He offers to make a new covenant with her in marriage. Then, he gets out … not a ring … but a goblet and a skein of wine. He pours it and then offers it to her. If she takes it and drinks it, then she has said “yes.” Now, he goes back to his father to “prepare a place for her, so that where he is, she may be also.” (Sound familiar?)

Jesus said to the disciples on their last night, “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.” (John 14:1-3)

You and I have also been invited into this New Covenant, and by saying yes, we enter his community, his Kingdom. It is good to remember each time we participate in Holy Communion, that by receiving the bread and the cup, we once again celebrate this gift.

This Kingdom is eternal. Someday, Jesus will return to take us home. When? No one knows the day or hour, but we must be ready. Jesus told the disciples, “But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Mark 13:32)

Why is that? Well, back to the groom and bride … when the son goes back to his father, he begins to prepare a home for his bride. How long will that take? Well, it could be weeks or months and often more. Only the father knows. The son might build something quickly and think he is ready, but the place must be to the satisfaction of the father. Dad might say, “Not good enough,” and tell him to fix this or add that. And when the father says it is ready, the groom goes to get the bride, bringing her home accompanied by her family, where there is a marriage ceremony, a great feast, and a few days of celebration.

In Scripture, the Church of true believers is called the bride of Christ. “And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” (Revelation 21:2) The Father will send the Son to come for us, at an hour we do not know, and take us home.

The Last Supper was an amazing evening, and we will discuss more of it in the days ahead. But for now, we know that Friday is coming, and Jesus will make a sacrifice sufficient to cover the sins of the whole world. I hope you have accepted this free gift of salvation and entered into a relationship with the Savior.


Chaplain Mark

Today’s Word Is WEAPONS


“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say, I used everything you gave me.”– Erma Bombeck

God gives gifts to each of us for the benefit of others. Fulfillment will come to rest on you as you discover and use your gifts.

But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. (1st Corinthians 12:7)

Several years ago, I spent three years as the host of a live call-in national radio show on XM Satellite radio called “The Healing Touch.” For two hours a night (midnight to 2AM), five nights a week, I took live phone calls from all across the United States, listening to people’s hurts and frustrations, discussing their problems from a Christian faith standpoint, then praying for them. Most of them were truck drivers. We had an 800 number with six incoming lines, and people would sometimes wait as long as forty-five minutes or more just to talk with someone who cared and spoke words of wisdom.

One night I made a comment to a caller about the weapons of spiritual warfare, suggesting that we should use what God gave us, and not return from the “battlefield” with unused weapons.

The next night when I arrived at the studio, my technical engineer, who had a sense of humor and a military father, had laid on my desk a real hand grenade! (Thankfully it had been permanently disarmed.) Every night it laid there in front of me as a reminder to use all my weapons (gifts), because life can be a battle, and I was at war with the forces of darkness on behalf of people who needed hope, help, and healing.

Philippians 6:10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

You and I know about the battle going on out there. And if we’re going to get in the fight, we must realize that it is not against “flesh and blood” – meaning it is not against people – but against dark forces. That is why I write this blog, why I did the Healing Touch radio show, why I was a chaplain and pastor, and why I am constantly on the lookout for people wounded by the enemy. Our job is not to “fix people.” We are coming alongside them to set them free and to teach them how to use their own weapons.

And remember, this battle is not just for pastors and leaders to do the fighting. Every Christian is in God’s army. I and others were chosen as leaders, but the life of faith is not about sitting on the sideline watching the “professionals” wage war. In my younger days, my dad the pastor liked the hymn Onward, Christian Soldiers! He was passionate about the work of the Kingdom, and he wanted his whole congregation to be just as passionate.

I hope we can all say in the end that we didn’t let our gifts go unused but put them to work for the benefit of others.


Chaplain Mark

NOTE: Sometime soon I hope to do a series on each of the six aspects of our spiritual armor. Anyone interested in that?

Today’s Word Is ATTIRE

It’s Humor Day!

One Sunday morning an old cowboy entered a church just before services were about to begin. Although the old man and his clothes were spotlessly clean, he wore jeans, a denim shirt and boots that were worn and a little ragged around the edges. In his hand he carried a worn-out old hat and an equally worn out Bible.

The church he entered was in a very upscale and exclusive part of the city. It was the largest and most beautiful church the old cowboy had ever seen. The people of the congregation were all dressed in expensive clothes and accessories.

As the cowboy took a seat, the others moved away from him. No one greeted, spoke to, or welcomed him. They were all appalled at his appearance and did not attempt to hide it.

As the old cowboy was leaving the church, the preacher approached him and asked the cowboy to do him a favor. “Before you come back in here again, have a talk with God and ask him what he thinks would be appropriate attire for worship.” The old cowboy assured the preacher he would.

The next Sunday, he showed up for the services wearing the same ragged jeans, shirt, boots and hat. Once again, he was completely shunned and ignored. The preacher approached the man and said, “I thought I asked you to speak to God before you came back to our church.”

“I did,” replied the old cowboy.

“If you spoke to God, what did he tell you the proper attire should be for worshiping in here?” asked the preacher.

“Well, sir, God told me that he didn’t have a clue what I should wear. He said He’d never been in this church.”

If you’re looking for a church, find one where God is surely there. If he is, you will be welcomed by God’s people, regardless of your attire. The Bible will be taught and honored, and many will be carrying one. The love of God will flow in relationships. The life, teaching, miracles, death, and resurrection of Jesus will be openly proclaimed. The Holy Spirit will be at work changing lives. And mission work to bless those in need will be practiced. There is a praise chorus by Lanny Wolfe that goes like this …

Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place.

I can feel his mighty power and his grace.

I can hear the brush of angel’s wings,

I see glory on each face.

Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place.

Have a blessed weekend, including rest, family, and worship,

Chaplain Mark

Today’s Word Is GRUMBLE


“Do all things without grumbling or disputing …” – The Apostle Paul (Philippians 2:14)

I’ve done my share of grumbling, however it’s not very effective in the long run for me. I may end up getting what I “say” I want, but I may also lose some things that I wanted more – like friendship, harmony, and favor.

A very long time ago my wife and I were headed to the car after the church service, being one of the last handful to leave. A long-time church member was standing in the parking lot gazing at the back building, a wooden structure which housed the fellowship hall. He stopped us long enough to point at that there were three dead ex-Christmas trees discarded at the side of the building. (It was now February.) “This,” he said, “is a fire hazard!”

A couple in our Sunday School class was also walking to their car near us and overheard the comment. They paused and the husband looked at me. It was like our minds simultaneously knew what we were going to do. We didn’t miss a beat, as we strode over to the back building, grabbed the 3 trees, and dragged them about 50 yards away to a patch of woods, where we allowed them to join their other dead tree friends that were lying there crumbling away.

We turned back toward the parking lot, not looking at the grumbler, and joined our wives who had watched the scene unfold. We headed to our cars, waved and drove away. The grumbler was still standing there as if this didn’t turn out quite the way he had hoped – which would have been getting some mileage out of a perfectly reasonable grumble.

Was he right to point out the hazard? Yes. The problem he carried with him every Sunday at church was that he had the reputation of being a grumbler. Being friends with a grumbler is difficult, unless you are another grumbler, in which case you seem to feed off of each other. Such a reputation can be fixed – by repentance, seeking God’s help, making a sincere effort to change, and asking others to forgive you. It is my hunch that many Christians don’t start out being grumblers, it just develops over time in certain people. Thus, we should be on our guard.

“And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body.” – The Apostle Paul (Colossians 3:14-15a)

The Apostle Paul knew that the grumblers in the church worked against unity. They drive away hungry and sincere people who come to visit looking for a home church, but attract other legalistic people like themselves. The love of Christ softens our hearts and keeps us and our church at peace.

Have a blessed and grumble-free day,

Chaplain Mark

Today’s Word Is INVITE


If your participation in a local fellowship of believers has been life-changing, why not invite someone along? There are more opportunities than you might think. One of my hospital co-workers once told me that a patient she was caring for invited her to church. This was not the first time she had received such an invitation, but for some reason, this time she felt God’s nudge and surprised herself by suddenly saying “OK!” So … she went. Why not?

What happened was a spiritual connection that she had not anticipated, and her faith began to emerge and grow. Life is now different and blessed.

So how do you know who to invite? I would say, “Listen. Let God speak to you.” As Jesus left this earth, one of his final statements to the disciples was, “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)

This is a clue to where we will encounter folks whom God wants to bless by being a part of his church. First, it is in Jerusalem, which was home base to the disciples, where they were around familiar faces. These are the people close to home, people that you know. When we are in our usual territory, seeing people that we frequently see, there is someone who needs to get an invitation to a new life of faith and to a church.

Then there is the area called Judea, which is people further out, people you don’t know. You are in places where you feel comfortable, but around people who are mostly strangers. Many of us find ways to talk with others that we don’t know. And there is an approach that we can each develop from our own personality, by which we can bring up faith matters without scaring people off. Don’t let your initial awkward attempts deter you from developing your style.

Further away from Jerusalem is the territory called Samaria. Jews only ventured into this territory by necessity. Samaritans were culturally different and mostly despised, because they were intermarried with various cultures. For our day and time, this regards the barriers of racial, cultural, and religious differences. I don’t know the accuracy of this statement, but I have heard it said that 11:00 a.m. on Sunday morning is the most racially and culturally divided time in our society. We could change that.

Jesus met a Samaritan woman at a well (John 4:7), and the disciples were surprised Jesus had been talking to her. In another story where Jesus healed ten lepers, only one came back to say thank you, and he was a Samaritan (Luke 17:16). And of course, we all know the parable of the Good Samaritan, where the hero is a foreigner of a different culture (Luke 10:30).

After the resurrection, the new community of Christians realized that their message was not only for familiar folks, but also for those who are “not like me” … different color, different spirituality, different country, different level of income. So, they dared to approach and invite them, and many successes followed.

The final place that Jesus named as an area for sharing our witness is “the end of the earth.” He was saying that there are no limits on where you can find someone to invite. Anywhere you are there are people who need what you have found through faith in Jesus.

Most people go to church because someone invited them … and according to research, in the vast majority of cases, it wasn’t the pastor doing the inviting. It was just regular folks with changed lives. Don’t be afraid to invite someone to church.

One final note … attending church does not make us a Christian. Salvation comes by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus. In other words, church never “saved” anybody! Jesus does that! But an invitation to church can be the first step!


Chaplain Mark