Today’s Word Is RETALIATE


Don’t retaliate with insults when people insult you, instead, pay them back with a blessing. (1st Peter 3:9 NLT)

This verse is not very popular in today’s world. I suspect it wasn’t 2,000 years ago either. I have told hundreds of people over the years that they will have to forgive someone and bless them instead of retaliating. No one ever answered, “Oh boy, that sounds like fun.” But over time, God can cleanse you of the urge to retaliate as a first response.

I have had to work on this myself because I grew up with a hidden anger. I still have incidents where my first thought is to strike back. But I have come a long way and now have far fewer times when that anger develops. For me, it took the love of God being poured into me. I had to really, really think, think, think, and internalize that I am loved and accepted. My mind had to be “transformed.” That’s because my problem wasn’t with resenting other people, it was more about my struggle with self-acceptance. Here’s what the Apostle Paul said about mind transformation:

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.” (Romans 12:2a NLT)

Another verse that influenced me was Romans 8:1, “So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.” Think of this in law enforcement terms. When I gave my life to him, I was transferred into his custody, thus no other agency can undo God’s authority over me. The worldly court of condemnation could accuse me of being guilty of violating one of their standards. And indeed, I might be guilty of that infraction. But the world court doesn’t get to try my case, it has no jurisdiction or authority over my spirit.

I am in God’s custody. I am free from the spiritual/emotional backlash of this world. I can no longer be tried in Satan’s court. In God’s court, I am forgiven and have already been declared righteous. Does that cause me to be proud? No … not proud, but humble. Does that make me want to get away with wrongdoing? No … it makes me want to please God and to walk a higher path. And when someone insults me, I’m not much interested in engaging in battle. I am free.

If you really internalize this ownership of your life by a loving God, and it goes way down into the depths of your soul, then retaliation against offenses no longer makes sense. Wouldn’t it be great to read that Bible verse above … “Don’t retaliate, pay back with a blessing” … and say to yourself, “I can do that!” And, indeed, it will become your new way of life.


Chaplain Mark