Today’s Word Is LAUNCH


“You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” – Christopher Columbus

Well, we know what Mr. Columbus did. It would probably be the most exciting but also the most anxious day of one’s life to push away from the shore of the known and head for the unknown. Remember that Christopher Columbus did not rush into this; it took time. He listened for his dream, took years to prepare, and finally launched! So, if you want to get beyond the ordinary, and embrace what God has next for you, that’s what you must do … push off from the shore and embark on the adventure.

Many years ago, as I was reading the seven books called The Chronicles of Narnia for the first time, I embraced the idea that the Christian life is not so much lived by rules as it is a great adventure. Various seasons of this life start with a calling, a God-given dream, an idea, or a high purpose. Preparation is necessary, but as in the case of Columbus, at the moment you launch, there is still a great deal of uncertainty about how all this will work out.

Under the leadership of Moses, the Israelites, who numbered about a million people, were being led by God into freedom from slavery in Egypt. They headed out on foot but soon reached a decision point. There was a mountain on one side, the Red Sea on another, and the Egyptian army behind them in hot pursuit. So, they did what any normal person would do … they cried out to God! … Help! … Even the leader cried out for help!

And the Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward. But lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it. And the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.” (Exodus 14:15-16)

Do what?! You’re kidding! No, God was not kidding. He accomplishes his purposes. Our part is to listen and act.

God has many dreams for you throughout life. Sometimes it is enormous and intimidating, and it may last a season or a lifetime. Other times it may be something small or simple. Whatever your next one is, don’t be afraid to leave some things behind and launch at the proper time. God, who called you to it, will open the doors (part the sea) and guide you.

There is an interesting combination of emotions when you say “yes” and launch yourself into it … sadness perhaps to leave certain things behind … a twinge of healthy fear something like the first time you swam in water over your head … but also a great excitement that there is a fulfillment awaiting that will outweigh any hesitation you may have harbored. To cross an ocean, you must leave the shore.

One last thought … this doesn’t only apply to big decisions. There may be something simple that you have been putting off. You may have a 99% commitment and a 1% hesitation. You could relieve yourself of this weight by proceeding. Ready, set, go.

Have a blessed day!

Chaplain Mark

One thought on “Today’s Word Is LAUNCH”

  1. Thanks Rev Mark! I needed that today. With the uncertainty around us and the possibility of getting use to a “new normal” we can rest in Him to lead us and find peace. Blessings!

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